5 Ways Your GoDonut Can Help You Play Music Plus 7 Helpful Apps

Just about any musician who uses a smartphone or tablet when playing instruments would tell you that if you’re not using one, too, you’re missing out. Adding a digital screen to your routine can empower your journey to create and perform meaningful music, and using a GoDonut to keep your smartphone or tablet propped up — and easily usable — is an important part of making that happen.
Here are 6 ways a tablet and GoDonut can make a big difference:
1. Digital sheet music reader
If you could replace thousands of pages of sheet music with a single, highly portable device, would you do it? Of course! That’s the beauty of using a tablet to store digital sheet music. It’s easy to download new music, and you can even scan in and add paper sheet music that you can’t find in digital format.
Sticking a tablet into a GoDonut — on a piano or table, for instance — allows you to display your digital sheet music at an optimum angle to read as you play. Most tablet screens are back-lit, making it easy to read the notes. Tap the screen to advance to the next page — easier than flipping a paper page or having a human page-turner — or use a foot-pedal device that allows you to keep your fingers on your instrument.

2. Long-distance lessons
Long-distance music lessons have exploded in popularity. While having your music teacher on a screen instructing you and listening to your playing from afar isn’t the same as having them in the room with you, long-distance teaching has become a necessity for some students.
Propping your tablet up in a GoDonut makes it easier for you and your teacher to see each other.
3. How-to videos
YouTube, other video platforms, and dedicated teaching sites are full of how-to videos to help you learn new musical instruments — or brush up on your skills — on your own. Use your GoDonut to hold your smartphone or tablet in the best position so you can follow along.

4. Music recording
Record the music you’re playing so you can listen to it, scrutinize your technique, send it to your music teacher, or share it with friends or family members.
Audio tip: Place your smartphone or tablet in your GoDonut horizontally to elevate your device’s microphone and keep it from being blocked by anything.
Video tip: To record your finger movements, place your smartphone in a GoDonut and use your front-facing camera to point upward or your rear-facing camera to point downward

5. Digital metronome
Stay on rhythm with a digital metronome app for your smartphone or tablet. Use a GoDonut to make it easy to watch the metronome animation while you play along to the beat.
Seven incredibly helpful music apps
These ideas just scratch the surface of what you can do with a smartphone or tablet. The selection of apps that have been created by musicians for musicians is so wide it can be hard to know where to start.
Here are seven great app recommendations from music teacher and YouTube influencer Marimbalogy: